What is the Internet?

What is the internet?
what is internet

What is the internet? ” I am using it since my childhood; your story of using it is also not different than mine.

In this blog, I will discuss what actually means being on the internet. why I even use it. How I and you are using it? Usage of it by teenagers and children how and why?

Internet usage of old age or mature people how and why? why most people might have critics on the use of the internet and why?

"If you are looking for statistics, figures, history, and accountability of internet usage on the internet. So, these words will not be in my piece of cake here." Thanks!

Before going to find the shoe for the internet of different sizes. let’s know a simple introduction to it.


The Internet is not the property of any company or organization. And also, it is not owned by any specific company or organization. So, my question is simple than what is the internet?

Ok fine, I will give you the answer; but what about if I elaborate it rather than that typical definition of it. Which is that the connection of computers in a network to communicate with each other.

A communication channel between human beings through some medium or source and that medium is actually called the internet.

It is our virtually global home or village.

To say it more traditionally, the combination of all social media platforms, search engines whether it’s google, bing or else; any type and category of websites or youtube.

Don’t get confused that why I mentioned youtube; because it also comes in social media so the answer is simple; nowadays youtube is not only a social media platform, but it plays a very key role in searching like search engines.

So the above-mentioned channels are interconnected; thus I called it …

The example of an …

If you were a student in computer science; so you must know this that the internet is an example of mesh topology. But if you are not so don’t worry, I enlighten you here with a simple brief.

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The most general definition of topology is that the physical layout of a computer system is called topology. This means that how you connect the computers to each other and computers are connected with each other.

The disciplines of connecting the computer physically with each other are called topology.

How I utilize it:

I use the internet for educational, entertainment, news, earning, promoting and for so many other things but this is not the only case that you and others will also use it the same as me.

Everyone uses it according to their interests and taste. There is no barrier to use it as you want. But the question is that this is the only way that I use it.

Today it is not just what you think it is. So to use the internet always keeps in mind that I can do more on it what I am just doing.

If you ask me how I can utilize the internet more than what I just thinking of it. so, let me know in the comments section; and for now, I save my words here.

How children are using the internet

Well to see only the one side of your hand is not always the right option or choice that’s why I am coming with the other side of the hand also.

First, I question myself self and then you question yourself that what is, was and will be our role of using the internet by my kids. In the initial stage of using this by kids is somehow dependent on us that how we feed them to use it.

In today’s world, children are also having an interest in using the internet. I countered my observation you can relate to it, I see children’s between the age of 5 to 10 are using the internet, not for good purposes or reasons. If you say how?

So for children, it is not only to entertained by watching cartoons, comedy and all the stuff that we are shown to our children without any doubt. But we didn’t notice that what will be the side effects of this on a kid.

Though I am not forcing you that the kid should not be entertained by this. They must have to entertain via the internet there are thousands of games available on the App store for kids.

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Use those game which is design for kids and make them creative mind. These games offer lots of entertainment with creativity. And kids can learn more also unintentionally from these games, so do utilize this outcome of the internet in a good way.

Don’t share your internet

This does not mean to not share your cable connection it means don’t share or allow someone to search from your desktop, mobile and else because you are running the internet with Gmail ID and this ID store your information.

What is the internet? It’s working on the recommendation system, which means when you are searching for a topic so the related topics are shown to you as a recommendation.

The internet also recommends the history of your searches while you are starting to search for something. why you need to not share your connection on the internet. Because the person who is using you, it will be aware of your privacy.

Most importantly don’t share your computer, mobile and else to your kids because if you play some cartoons with your kids which is fine. But you also know that Ads are also coming on the videos and these Ads are based upon your search history.

How teenagers are using the internet

Teenage is the age where you are not aware of your age

Faizan Hussain

The graph of using the internet is high and high but with social media mostly. Because of the teenager might think that it is only called social media. I am not merging all the teenagers in the same line here.

I know that there are teenagers who’re doing so well on the internet. And I like that; which I don’t like is that why the other teenagers are not doing the best in their bound interest though.

Do use social media and entertain yourself and also others, but nowadays you can even sell out your interest in entertainment by doing digital marketing and all.

This is not necessary that everything you want or need must be known by you. Ask others to do it for you, and believe me your investment in your interest will, even more, pay you in a while.

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How old age or mature people using the internet

Two types of usage are found in the old age people, especially that they might use it for NEWS or social media. Know both are fine because most of the time this age might not allow people to work for some utilization on the internet, but they can share their experiences with others.

Sharing your opinions and experiences is nowadays very easy and people are interested in it also; but the quantity of such people is very much low so if you are old age or mature person, so please do share your good thoughts with others; via on different platforms.

Critics on internet usage

Everything in this world is coming with the two faces. The wording of calling these faces might be different; like good or bad people, up and down so far the list is on. these all are the two faces hence internet is also coming up with the two faces.

If you are using it on safe hands so everything is fine for you, but if you are using it with other hands. Then don’t blame the internet for it.

The Counter is in your hand start it for good or bad is up to you!

Faizan Hussain

A communication channel between human beings through some medium or source and that medium is actually called the internet.

I am using the internet for educational, entertainment, news, earning, and promoting brands how you are using is up to you.

Because all your information details are in your Gmail account and you are accessing the internet via your Gmail account. If others use your internet, they will easily breach your details.

The internet is good when you use it in a good way, else not if you are not using it with good intention.

The surface web is that you are using it normally from google and other search engines directly, which is only round about 30 % of the web. The dark web is where you are anonymous and access to anything at your own risk, the rest of the internet is covered by the dark web.

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My name is Faizan Hussain. I am a web developer, designer, and blogger also working on WordPress.I am a software engineer by professional degree from Abasyn University Peshawar (kpk, Pakistan)



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